Referral Index

  • Accounts, departmental –  Kristine Loes
  • Accounts, grant – Emily Dougill, IDS
  • Admissions, graduate – James Rossmanith (M/AM),  Amanda Hallman
  • Admissions, undergraduate – Kristopher Lee, Ignacio Alvarez
  • Advising, graduate student – James Rossmanith (M/AM)
  • Advising, undergraduate – Kristopher Lee, Ignacio Alvarez
  • Advising files, undergraduate – Kristopher Lee, Ignacio Alvarez
  • Advising files, graduate – Amanda Hallman
  • Advisory Board – Eric Weber, Lona Boyarsky
  • Applications, faculty and lecturer – Lona Boyarsky
  • Applications, graduate – Amanda Hallman
  • Applications, undergraduate – Kristopher Lee, Admissions
  • Awards, graduate students – Amanda Hallman
  • Awards, undergraduate students – Kristopher Lee
  • Bookstore orders – Mary Saienga
  • Budget, administration – Eric Weber, Kristine Loes
  • Budget, preparation – Eric Weber, Kristine Loes
  • Budget, summer – Eli Stines, Kristine Loes
  • Building Supervisor, Carver Hall – Paul Barloon
  • Calendar, online – Mary Saienga
  • Campus visits, undergraduate –  Ignacio Alvarez, Kristopher Lee
  • Campus visits, graduate – Amanda Hallman, James Rossmanith
  • Carver Hall, building supervisor – Paul Barloon
  • Classroom, reservations – Mary Saienga
  • Classroom, changes – Eli Stines
  • Colloquia, setup –
  • Colloquia, scheduling – Pablo Raul Stinga
  • Commencement, undergraduate – Undergraduate Committee
  • Communications –
  • Community College Outreach —
  • Complaints, student – Eli Stines
  • Computer labs, maintenance – Andy Van Wyk
  • Computer labs, scheduling – Andy Van Wyk-Lab Coordinator
  • Computer labs, supervision – Andy Van Wyk, -Lab Coordinator
  • Computers, maintenance – Andy Van Wyk (
  • Conference Planning & Support — Paul Barloon
  • Configuration & quotes, computer equipment – Andy Van Wyk
  • Correspondence, general – Mary Saienga
  • Correspondence, graduate – Amanda Hallman
  • Course offerings – Eli Stines, Graduate Committee, Undergraduate Committee
  • Course coordination, Math 104/105 — Christian Roettger
  • Course coordination, Math 140 – Alex Andreotti
  • Course coordination, Math 143-Victoria Blumen
  • Course coordination, Math 145- – Alex Andreotti
  • Course coordination, Math 150 – Dane Mayhook
  • Course coordination, Math 151 – Dane Mayhook
  • Course coordination, Math 160 – Rana Parshad
  • Course coordination, Math 165/166/265 – Heather Bolles
  • Course coordination, Math 195/196 – Susan Johnson
  • Course coordination, Math 201 – Jonathan DH Smith
  • Course coordination, Math 207 – Eli Stines
  • Course coordination, Math 266/267 – Steve Butler
  • Course coordination, Math 317 – Kris Lee
  • Course evaluations — Mary Saienga
  • Department leadership – Eric Weber
  • Disability liaison and SAN exam scheduling – Lona Boyarsky
  • Diversity — Pablo Raúl Stinga
  • EASE Reports –
  • Equipment, purchases – Lona Boyarsky, Mary Saienga
  • Evaluations, course and instructor (distribution of) – Mary Saienga
  • Evaluations, faculty – Eric Weber
  • Evaluations, teaching assistants – Eli Stines
  • Event Coordination — Lona Boyarsky
  • Exams, room reservations – Mary Saienga, Lona Boyarsky (SAN)
  • Experience Iowa State (EIS) — Ignacio Alvarez, Kristopher Lee
  • Experimental course announcements – Eli Stines, Graduate Committee, Undergraduate Committee
  • Facility work requests – Lona Boyarsky, Mary Saienga
  • Faculty Performance & Growth Forms – Lona Boyarsky
  • Files, faculty and term faculty – Mary Saienga
  • Files, graduate and postdoc – Amanda Hallman
  • Files, undergraduate – Mary Saienga
  • Graders & Help Room Employees – Eli Stines
  • Grades, submission – Lona Boyarsky
  • Graduate Committee – Michael Young, James Rossmanith
  • Graduate education, director of – James Rossmanith (M/AM)
  • Graduate faculty advisor – James Rossmanith (M/AM)
  • Grant proposals –
  • Group Exams, copying/distribution — Mary Saienga
  • Group Exams, room assignments – Eli Stines
  • Hardware, computer – Andy Van Wyk
  • High School Outreach —
  • Hospitality –
  • IT Coordination — Paul Barloon
  • Instructor Evaluations — Mary Saienga
  • Intramurals – Mary Saienga
  • Inventory, computer equipment – Andy Van Wky
  • Keys and locks – Mary Saienga
  • Lab monitors, hiring and supervision of – TA Lab Coordinator
  • Leave reporting – Lona Boyarsky
  • Letters of Intent, faculty and term faculty – Lona Boyarsky
  • Letters of Intent, graduate and postdoc – Amanda Hallman
  • Letters of recommendation, faculty – Department Chair
  • Letters of recommendation, graduate student and alumni – Amanda Hallman
  • Letters of recommendation, undergraduate – see specific professor/instructor
  • Locks and keys – Mary Saienga
  • Lost and found – Front Desk
  • Mail – Mary Saienga
  • Math for Elementary Education Teachers Program – Shelby Schmidt
  • Math Matters annual report –
  • Mathematics Graduate Student Organization (MGSO) – James Rossmanith, Amanda Hallman
  • Media contacts –
  • Make-up exams, reservations – Mary Saienga, Lona Boyarsky
  • Night Exams, see Exams, Group
  • Office assignments, faculty, postdoc, and graduate students – Amanda Hallman
  • Office assignments, visitors – Lona Boyarsky
  • Online and WWW instructor support – -TA Lab Coordinator
  • Orientation, graduate students – Lead TA (Joshua Rice), Amanda Hallman, James Rossmanith
  • Orientation and careers courses, undergraduate – Ignacio Alvarez
  • Payroll, faculty, lecturers and staff – Kristine Loes
  • Payroll, graduate and postdoc – Amanda Hallman
  • Pi Mu Epsilon — Steve Butler
  • Posters, colloquia and other –
  • Postdoc Performance & Growth Forms – Lona Boyarsky
  • Postings, graduate – Amanda Hallman
  • Postings, undergraduate –
  • Programs, graduate – James Rossmanith (M/AM)
  • Publications, departmental –
  • Purchase Requisitions –
  • Records, graduate – Amanda Hallman
  • Records, undergraduate – Kristopher Lee, Ignacio Alvarez
  • Recruitment, graduate – James Rossmanith, Amanda Hallman
  • Recruitment, undergraduate – Kristopher Lee, Ignacio Alvarez
  • Reservations: classrooms, exams, colloquium and other meeting rooms – Lona Boyarsky, Amanda Hallman, Mary Saienga
  • Reservations: conferences, special events – Front Desk
  • REU support –
  • Secondary certification in math – Heather Bolles, Alex Andreotti
  • Scholarships, graduate – Amanda Hallman
  • Scholarships, undergraduate – Awards & Honors Committee, Kristopher Lee
  • Software – Andy Van Wyk (
  • Statistics, graduate – Amanda Hallman
  • Statistics, undergraduate –
  • Supervision, office staff – Lona Boyarsky, Eric Weber
  • Supervision, faculty – Eric Weber
  • Supervision, teaching assistants – Eli Stines
  • Supplemental Activity Reports – Lona Boyarsky
  • Supplies, purchasing – Lona Boyarsky, Mary Saienga
  • Supplies, requests – Office staff
  • Syllabi Record – Mary Saienga
  • Teachers’ Circle –
  • Teaching assignments, faculty – Elijah Stines, Graduate Committee
  • Teaching assignments, graduate assistants – Eli Stines, Lead TA (Joshua Rice)
  • Teaching evaluations – Lona Boyarsky
  • Telecommunications – Lona Boyarsky
  • Textbooks, Bookstore contact – Lona Boyarsky, Mary Saienga
  • Textbooks, desk copies – Mary Saienga
  • Textbooks, ordering – Lona Boyarsky, Mary Saienga
  • Training, teaching assistants – Lead TA (Joshua Rice)
  • Travel reimbursements, visitors — Lona Boyarsky
  • Travel reimbursements, employees – WorkDay, IDS
  • Tutors, finding – Amanda Hallman
  • Undergraduate education, director of — Kristopher Lee
  • Undergraduate math majors events — Kristopher Lee, Steve Butler
  • Visa applications, H1B & J1 – Lona Boyarsky
  • Visa applications,  – Lona Boyarsky
  • Visiting Scholars — Lona Boyarsky
  • Visitors — Lona Boyarsky, Mary Saienga
  • Vitae, faculty – Lona Boyarsky
  • Web site administration – Mary Saienga
  • WebAssign – Eli Stines